This week we are back with Rev. Callie Swanlund and talking about what it means to live into a sustainable and wholehearted ministry.
Tomorrow May 7 is a big day for Callie and her new bookย From Weary to Wholehearted: A Restorative Resource for Overcoming Clergy Burnout. She will deliver her “love letter” to clergy and church leaders who are facing isolation, exhaustion, and burnout. She has so much to share, and I hope you will take her offerings to heart.
These post-pandemic times have ushered us into a new era of ministry. The last four years have also been a season of great innovation and great exhaustion for many clergy. Callie’s new book began in her response to ministers during the pandemic shelter-at-home era. Now her book meets clergy who are struggling and offers them wisdom, stories, and spiritual practice to help them recover and thrive again.
What makes for sustainability?
Burnout is not the only story. Callie (and probably you) also knows stories of thriving and flourishing.
I asked Callie in our recent interview about what it looks like to live into ministry in a sustainable and wholehearted way. She has two big keys needed for unlocking ministry that is sustainable. The first is having space to be your full creative self. The second involves a “scandalous question.” Now you have to watch it to find out what that question is, right?!
You can watch Part I of our interview in Episode 234 “From Wearly to Wholehearted” and find out what inspired Callie to write her first book!
So I asked you also: What does a sustainable practice of ministry look like for you?ย ย
Callie is a regular participant at ourย 3MMM Writing Table. She has made use of the community and daily time and space to finish writing, editing, and now marketing and sharing her new book. If that kind of support sounds appealing to you, then join us!